Tufting Products

Internal Tufting Velcro Hook Device to be used in conjunction with our Gripflex Fabric
Fabric used in conjunction with the inner tufting process and our inner tufting products
Large Decorative Felt Tufting Washer - 100% Polyester
Long Long Mattress Tufting Tape - 20mm Opaque Bar
Long Long Mattress Tufting Tape - 20mm White Bar - Kevlar yarn is woven in to the tape element to prevent the tape from breaking on high spring count mattresses where spring a...
Long Long Mattress Tufting Tape - 20mm Bar - Cotton Tape and Cotton Covered Bars in natural colour.
Polyester Pre-Tied Loop for anchoring buttons or mattress tufts
Polyester Pre-Tied Loop for anchoring buttons or mattress tufts
Rosette dyed to pantone reference
Special colour L/L tufting tapes dyed to customers specification. MOQ of 12,000 per colour. Customers should allow for an approx 10% shrinkage of tape length during the dyeing...
Tuft Length Adjustor used in conjunction with LLR Tufting Tapes
Tuft Length Adjustor used in conjunction with LLR Tufting Tapes